2013年5月10日 星期五

Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 8 Note

News gives us too much negative information so that it creates a negative feedback loop. There is a lot of good in this world. We should also focus on the good.

“Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.”  William Shakespeare
Studies showed only positive feelings predicted longevity.
Try it
1. Becoming a merit-finder
2. 21 days or your money back
3. Visualize it, feel it
4. Chipping away negativity
5. Thanks for reminding me…



2013年5月7日 星期二

Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 7 Note

To become more of an optimist:
1. Just do it. Take action.

2. Imagination. Visualization.
    Not only imagine the outcome but also the details and processes.
    Brain doesn't know difference between real things and imaginary things.
    Moreover, brain doesn't like inconsistence.
    So brain will make imagination come true.
    The key point is to detail imagination.

    Prepare, prepare, prepare, and be spontaneous.

3. Cognitive Therapy.
    Event => Evaluation => Emotion
    Change the way you interpret events. You, then, change how you feel about the event.

Another topic: Focus

Be a benefit-finder. Do not focus on negative. Too optimistic is not good as well.
In practice, get yourself close to reality (event) and interpret the reality (event) positively.
Find benefit from the reality. You, then, live happier and positively.

2013年5月6日 星期一

Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 6 Note

Power of the situation: Let yourself be in a positive condition.
Put those things which make you happy around you.

Self-fulfilling prophecy: you are what you think you are. (Placebo effect is one example.)
But it is not enough. Optomism should come with passion and hard work.

I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the luckier I get. Thomas Jefferson
There is no substitude for hard work. Thomas Edison
Learn to fail, or fail to learn.

To increase level of happiness, the basline of which has been determined after birth, facing and coping the problem is the only way.

Harvard Open Course: Positive psychology Lecture 4 & 5 Note

Continue talking premises mentioned in Lecture 3.

Personal change is possible. How about socielty?

All history is a record of the power of minorities, and of minorities of one.
The power of one. Human networks as exponential. (You can also change the world. Or you change can make this world different.)

Premise 3
Internal factors primary determins happiness VS. Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstance.

Previous study ponited out happiness levels are not determined by income (but has to up to certain level. However, not a high level), generations, and place of residence. It is determined by state of mind.

Premise 4
Human nature must be obeyed VS. Human nature must be perfected.

"Human nature must be obeyed" means people need regulations to constrain their behaviors.
"Human nature must be perfected" means people can find their own way to perfect themselves. (Idealist?)

Vision of psychology:
Human nature immutable
Role is to understand nature and make best use of it.

So do not try to be perfect. Allow yourself to be human. Accept yourself. Rejecting nature leads to unhappiness. Accetance means to understand your characterisitics, emotion, ability, and reality. Interpret and handle them in the best way.

Premise 5
Happiness is and ought to be our ultimate end VS. Happiness should be a secondary pursuit.

Some people feel guilty when they feel good because other people may suffer now.
It is OK. Spread out happiness. Happiness is a positive sum game.

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the lift of the candle will not be shorten. Happiness never decreses by being shared.....Buddha.

Helping ourselves and helping others

Another topic

Belief creates reality.
How people treat you can change you, and also how you think about yourself matters.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world.....Buddha.

Positive priming: pictures, pleasant objects, and quotes.

2013年5月3日 星期五

Marc Chagall 夏卡爾







The village and I



Paris Through My Window

星巴克城市杯 & 明信片



2013年5月2日 星期四

[研究] 好運氣










Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 3 Note

Continue to describe positive psychology with a lot of example.

Talk about health model and disease model
Disease model can bring you to zero but not more than that.
Instead, health model not only corrects what is wrong but also builds up what is right.

Five premises (but I don’t know what these are necessary)

1. Bridge building Vs. Division and separation
Good intentions are not enough. To see what works is also important.
Being a practical idealist

2. Change is possible Vs. Change is illusive

Growing-Tip Statistics
Study the best and all of people get benefit.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

“All history is a record of the power of minorities, and of minorities of one.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

3. Internal factors primarily determine happiness Vs. Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstances

4. Human nature must be obeyed Vs. Human nature must be perfected

5. Happiness is and ought to be the ultimate end Vs. Happiness should be a secondary pursuit

2013年5月1日 星期三

Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 1 & 2 Note


Lecture 1

或者說,如何解讀知識很重要(How to interpret information matters.)

Extraordinary person:
1. really believe in themselves. The sense of confidence.
2. always ask questions. Curiosity. Open mind to receive new.

Soul grows more by subtraction than by addition
Common sense is not that common.

Lecture 2


Resilience matters.
Characteristics of resilience (or to become resilience)
1. Optimism
2. Faith and a sense of meaning
3. Prosocial behavior
4. Focusing on strengths
5. Set goals
6. A role model
7. Social support (the most important)

Appreciation makes good grow.
Questions often create reality
No one is coming.
To build up self-esteem is to have self-responsibility. To have self-responsibility is to realize that no one is coming.