2010年7月19日 星期一

Picture in dorm and office

This is my room in Dorm. It was very clear befroe, but became messy recently.

This is another side of my room. From the mirror in the picture, you can see that I stand on the bed to take pictures. It seems very funny.

This is my desk in the office. Most people, included of me, have two screens here. But I don't need two since I don't use the computer much because its interface is German. I cannot read it. Therefore, I use my laptop and connect it with one of screens. But my laptop cannot log in wireless network of university hospital Zurich. It's not convenient to me either way.

This picture is taken in Zurich Festival. It was very crowdy in the downtown. I went to see firework, and then got lost. Fortunately, I remembered that I live in mountain side which is near university hospital.

The scence is taken in a mountain near the dorm. I said that I live in the mountain side. This may be the top of the mountain, but I cannot make sure because I don't have much time to walk through the mountain. I heard that the other side is a zoo. Perhaps next time I can try to walk to zoo as long as the sunshine is not so strong.

