2010年8月7日 星期六

titlis & Lucern

I had a trip with two friends, one of them is a summer program student at UZH and the other is a postdoc. They are kind to bring me out. They planed all details of this trip.
It is a beautiful scene again. I really envy those cows their living place.
From here, I can see the mountain and lakes I went to few weeks ago. I marked the top of the mountain by a red circle. It's really a coincedence and I'm also surprised that I can recognize it. Cool!! (Both of the meanings of the word.)
No wonder. Every traveler will take picture like this.

This tower is cool!! it looks like one tower in a comic "20世紀少年".

After playing some snow sport game, we came to a beautiful and leisure lake at the mountainside.

Why I specially mention it is because we three rowed a boat for free. In fact, I rowed the boat about one hour by myself and the others had a nice and leisure time...

We passed by Lucern and went to watch a memorial. It's well-known because Mark Twain ever said it is the most sentmental memorial in the world.

1 則留言:

  1. 哈~這地方我去過耶

    好懷念啊 :)
