2013年5月7日 星期二

Harvard Open Course: Positive Psychology Lecture 7 Note

To become more of an optimist:
1. Just do it. Take action.

2. Imagination. Visualization.
    Not only imagine the outcome but also the details and processes.
    Brain doesn't know difference between real things and imaginary things.
    Moreover, brain doesn't like inconsistence.
    So brain will make imagination come true.
    The key point is to detail imagination.

    Prepare, prepare, prepare, and be spontaneous.

3. Cognitive Therapy.
    Event => Evaluation => Emotion
    Change the way you interpret events. You, then, change how you feel about the event.

Another topic: Focus

Be a benefit-finder. Do not focus on negative. Too optimistic is not good as well.
In practice, get yourself close to reality (event) and interpret the reality (event) positively.
Find benefit from the reality. You, then, live happier and positively.

